Strong CORE Exercises
Strengthen Your Core with Planks!
Planking is a fantastic way to build core strength.
Hold the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute and feel those muscles working! 💪
Say Hello to Russian Twists!
Sit with your knees bent, lean back slightly, and twist your torso from side to side.
Add a weight for an extra challenge! 🏋️♀️
Blast Your Abs with Bicycle Crunches!
Lie on your back, lift your legs, and pedal like you're riding a bike.
Touch your elbows to the opposite knee for a killer core workout!
Engage Your Core with Boat Pose!
Balance on your sit bones, lift your legs, and hold your arms out straight.
This yoga pose is perfect for a strong core!
Feel the Burn with Mountain Climbers!
Start in a plank position and quickly alternate bringing your knees to your chest.
It's a great cardio and core workout in one!
Strengthen Your Core with Leg Raises!
Lie on your back and lift your legs towards the ceiling, then slowly lower them.
Keep your lower back on the ground for maximum effect!
Perfect Your Posture with Bird Dogs!
On all fours, extend your opposite arm and leg. Hold for a few seconds and switch.
Great for balance and core stability!
Build Core Strength with Hollow Holds!
Lie on your back, lift your shoulders and legs off the ground, and hold.
This isometric exercise is tough but effective!
Turbocharge Your Core with Side Planks!
Lie on your side, lift your hips, and hold. Great for working those oblique muscles!
Switch sides to ensure a balanced workout.
Supercharge Your Core with Flutter Kicks!
Lie on your back, lift your legs slightly off the ground, and kick them up and down in small, quick motions.
Feel the burn! 🔥